Holiday Packages 2023 have been sent out to our Navy SEALs
~ Acts of kindness in David's name ~
Making this world a better place!

We are working on a new part of David's Legacy. Acts of Kindness, either random or not. Just doing something nice or kind for someone. It doesn't need to be big or expensive. An example may be, buy a cup of coffee, or pay for someones meal behind you in line at a drive thru. Help someone load their groceries in their car. Help someone who looks like they need something to pick them up from a bad day. Smile at others during the day! Engage in life! Be positive. Help the elderly. Pay attention to others and be a positive influence. David made people smile! He inspires us as a family every day to be the same. He was kind and watched out for those who may need a little extra support and love! We are thankful for his example, of goofy, crazy zest for life! We challenge YOU to carry on his LEGACY!!!! It does make this world a better place!
~ The David Warsen service scholarship has been established ~
Congratulations to Our first recipients for the David Warsen Service scholarship at EKHS ~ Camille Means & nicollette Nelson
The David Warsen Legacy along with Nick Foster have established the David Warsen Service scholarship for East Kentwood High School Seniors to help them further their education. Seniors will submit an essay describing what service means to them. One boy and one girl will be selected to receive the first annual scholarship! We hope that David will inspire these students to really think about what it means to make a difference in this world through service to their community, county and world. I challenge everyone to really think about this! It is how our world will be made better for future generations!
soccer scholarships ~ we have again sponsored the family we did last year ~ these are truly special children! We are working toward more sponsorships in the Kentwood community!
soccer ~ our first family
Though your gifts, we have sponsored our first family of three children to play soccer this year! I had the pleasure of attending one of the games of these children. They were playing with such concentration and pride! I was so proud and grateful for this opportunity to see the results of giving, to those who truly appreciate the gift! I could see their love for the game that David also held. I know sports can truly give children a purpose, a goal and a way to channel their energy in a positive way! Thank you to all of you for your generous gift's and supporting David's Legacy!!!!
Holiday packages 2014 for our navy SEALs AND OTHER MILITARY ~ The last of the Boxes have been sent out ~ 150 in All!!! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to David's Legacy!!!!
I knew that our community was a wonderful place to raise my boys, but I see even more the the wonderful hearts of those around us! Many of you will be helping to put the packages together and we can't thank you enough!!!
Here is a sample of what we have sent out in our packages! 150 Navy SEALS and some ARMY brothers will be opening these packages from our community to them. Wishes of Holiday cheer and a BIG Thank you from us for all that they sacrifice everyday for our freedoms we enjoy!
Thank you to all of the runners, walkers and volunteers that helped to make the SECOND annual David Warsen Legacy Run to be a huge success! Thank to all those who have donated to our special cause in David's name! Thank you to The Kentwood Public Schools students, teachers and parents and Micki Smokevich for your coordination of everything! Thank you Amway, Dublin Jerky, Buffalo Wild Wings! Thank you toJason & Peppinos for providing us with Pizza for the evening! Thank you to everyone who came out on a snowy night and helped to pack our boxes!!! Thank you to Patty Alexander and the Blue Star Mothers for all of your help! Please forgive me if i have forgotten someone! Most of all thank you to my family ~ who's unending love, support and manpower helped to make this act of kindness and LOVE occur! I had tears in my eyes this morning reflecting on how this community we live in has made a difference in this world! I think David is proud of us right now!!!!
Here is a sample of what we have sent out in our packages! 150 Navy SEALS and some ARMY brothers will be opening these packages from our community to them. Wishes of Holiday cheer and a BIG Thank you from us for all that they sacrifice everyday for our freedoms we enjoy!
Thank you to all of the runners, walkers and volunteers that helped to make the SECOND annual David Warsen Legacy Run to be a huge success! Thank to all those who have donated to our special cause in David's name! Thank you to The Kentwood Public Schools students, teachers and parents and Micki Smokevich for your coordination of everything! Thank you Amway, Dublin Jerky, Buffalo Wild Wings! Thank you toJason & Peppinos for providing us with Pizza for the evening! Thank you to everyone who came out on a snowy night and helped to pack our boxes!!! Thank you to Patty Alexander and the Blue Star Mothers for all of your help! Please forgive me if i have forgotten someone! Most of all thank you to my family ~ who's unending love, support and manpower helped to make this act of kindness and LOVE occur! I had tears in my eyes this morning reflecting on how this community we live in has made a difference in this world! I think David is proud of us right now!!!!